Reporter: Andrew Jun - Valley Christian High School
The chapel is a place of prayer and worship where Christians can connect. Connection is the relationship between people and ideas. At Valley Christian High School, every Wednesday, we have chapel and connect as a community. As a Christian, con-nection and togetherness are cru-cial. I am lucky to attend a school like Valley that values and dedi-cates time to this. Chapel is like a sanctuary; it gives us the oppor-tunity to open up and grow our relationship with God while also teaching us how to grow as indi-viduals.
Chapel is vital; it allows us to feel a sense of unity and connec-tion between students and staff. It enables every one of us to unite, regardless of grade level or po-sition. At Valley, we do various things to help foster a feeling of belonging and unity. Many activ-ities are held during chapel, such as singing together, individuals speaking about their personal experiences with God, and inter-active activities. Through these personal stories, speakers illus-trate how they overcame chal-lenges instead of feeling demoral-ized, allowing students to admire and relate to them. Furthermore, hearing diverse stories can show students how faith impacts the “real world” and what God is like in other lives, inspiring students to trust God in their own lives. These shared experiences help create a supportive and unified community. Additionally, out-side of chapel time, Valley hosts missionary trips to different countries. During this short pe-riod, students will aid unfamiliar communities, experience diverse cultures, and recognize what God has blessed us with.
Beyond this, the Chapel at Val-ley is significant for personal and spiritual development. At every Chapel, we always devote time to pray before dismissal. This en-courages students to put aside their outside lives and reflect on themselves as individuals. Reflec-tion time at Valley isn’t just a rou-tine; it is an important aspect of spiritual education. It allows us to pause our lives and take a moment to reflect on our relationship with God, our own personal commodi-ties, and our thoughts and emo-tions.
Chapel connection at Valley Christian High School stands as a beacon of belonging, unity, and growth for its community. Dur-ing weekly meetings, it nurtures a sense of connection between stu-dents, disregarding age and roles, and allows for a space for shared experiences and support. It also serves as a sanctuary for reflection and spiritual development. Chap-el time is significant. Within this period, students can grow their relationship with God while also obtaining a deeper understand-ing of themselves. Faith should be thought of as a journey, not a des-tination.